
目前分類:未分類文章 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

TOEFL Writing Topics

1. People attend school for many different reasons (for example, expanded knowledge, societal awareness, and enhanced interpersonal relationships). Why do you think people decide to go to school? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Coaches are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

3. Nowadays, with the invention of the microwave and with the popularity of fast food restaurants, food has become easier to prepare than ever. Do you think microwave ovens and fast food restaurants are beneficial to society? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

4. It has been said, "Not all learning takes place in the classroom." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from personal experience with knowledge gained from classroom instruction. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

5. Your government has announced that it wishes to build a military base near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the military base?

6. If you could change one important thing about your country, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

7. How does advertising influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

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目前字庫有:國中範圍2200字、全民英檢初級2200字、高中範圍3800字、高中範圍5800字、 大學學測指考7000字、TOEIC多益2000字、動物食物水果花卉單字集,七種字庫。祝大家使用愉快。



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baby                 >>> [名]嬰兒                                
back                 >>> [副]回原處;[名]背部;後面                
bad                  >>> [形]壞的                                
bag                  >>> [名]袋子                                
bakery               >>> [名]麵包店                              
ball                 >>> [名]球                                  
banana               >>> [名]香蕉                                
band                 >>> [名]樂團;樂隊                           
bank                 >>> [名]銀行;堤;岸                          
baseball             >>> [名]棒球                                
basket               >>> [名]籃子                                
basketball           >>> [名]籃球                                
bath                 >>> [名]洗澡                                
bathroom             >>> [名]廁所;浴室                           
be                   >>> [動]是;要;有;在;[助]正在...,被…        
beach                >>> [名]海灘                                
bear                 >>> [動]承受;[名]熊                         
beautiful            >>> [形]漂亮的                              
because              >>> [連]因為                                
become               >>> [動]變成                                
bed                  >>> [名]床                                  
bedroom              >>> [名]臥房                                
bee                  >>> [名]蜜蜂                                
beef                 >>> [名]牛肉                                
before               >>> [介]在…之前                            
begin                >>> [動]開始                                
behind               >>> [介]在…後面                            
believe              >>> [動]相信                                
bell                 >>> [名]鈴;鐘                               
belong               >>> [動]屬於                                
below                >>> [介]在…之下                            
belt                 >>> [名]腰帶                                
beside               >>> [介]在...旁側                           
between              >>> [介]在…和…之間                        
bicycle              >>> [名]腳踏車                              
big                  >>> [形]大的                                
bike                 >>> [動]騎腳踏車;[名]腳踏車                 
bird                 >>> [名]鳥                                  
birthday             >>> [名]生日                                
bite                 >>> [動]咬                                  
black                >>> [形]黑色的;[名]黑色;美國黑人            
blackboard           >>> [名]黑板                                
blind                >>> [形]瞎的                                
block                >>> [動]阻塞;[名]街區                       
blow                 >>> [動]吹                                  
blue                 >>> [形]藍色的;[名]藍色                     
boat                 >>> [名]小船                                
body                 >>> [名]身體                                
book                 >>> [名]書本                                
bookstore            >>> [名]書店                                
bore                 >>> [動]使厭煩                              
boring               >>> [形]乏味的                              
born                 >>> [形]出生的;誕生的                       
borrow               >>> [動]借                                  
boss                 >>> [名]老闆                                
both                 >>> [形]兩者;[代]兩者(都)                   
bottle               >>> [名]瓶子                                
bottom               >>> [名]底部;屁股                           
bowl                 >>> [名]碗                                  
box                  >>> [名]箱;盒;匣                            
boy                  >>> [名]男孩                                
bread                >>> [名]麵包                                
break                >>> [動]斷裂;中斷;[名]暫停                  
breakfast            >>> [名]早餐                                
bridge               >>> [名]橋                                  
bright               >>> [形]光亮的                              
bring                >>> [動]帶來                                
brother              >>> [名]兄;弟                               
brown                >>> [形]褐色的;棕色的;[名]棕色              
brush                >>> [動]刷;[名]刷子                         
build                >>> [動]建造;蓋                             
burn                 >>> [動]燒;燙傷;[名]灼傷                    
bus                  >>> [名]公車                                
business             >>> [名]商業;事                             
businessman          >>> [名]商人                                
busy                 >>> [形]忙碌的                              
but                  >>> [連]但是                                
butter               >>> [名]奶油                                
buy                  >>> [動]買                                  
by                   >>> [介]經由                                
bye                  >>> [感歎詞]再見;再會           


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